2018 (macomer - NU, IT)
The residents of the condo are constantly in conflict with each other. Behind the courtesy face, everyone is secretly waiting for the Poet, determined to get noticed at the moment of his return.
Developed during the artistic residence at Festival della Resilienza 2018 (Propositivo).
Trainers Riccardo Brunetti, Sandra Albanese, Anna Maria Avella
Dramaturgy and performers: Alessandro Doro, Anna Maria Avella, Claudia Giua, Isabella Oggiano, Maria Costanza Dolce, Pierpaolo Totti,
Staff Alessia Caria, Chiara Mattana, Ilaria Giorgi, Paola Caprioli, Sandra Albanese, Silvia Porcu
Propositivo Azzurra Lochi, Isabel Gollin, Valentina Vinci, Gian Luca Atzori, Luca Pirisi
Directed by Riccardo Brunetti